NHS Jobs Privacy Policy

NHS Business Services Authority is responsible for running NHS Jobs. We will process your personal information at the job application stage and progress your application to the employing organisation. The law requires us to process your information so that your potential new employer can:

  • check you are fit to work or confirm what reasonable adjustments are required.
  • monitor the diversity of applicants to ensure we / the employing organisation comply with the Equality Act 2010.
  • meet safeguarding law requirements where this is relevant to the vacancy.
  • confirm Right to Work, identity, and eligibility for the vacancy.

Using your personal information

We'll use information you provide within NHS Jobs so that we can:

  • personalise your visits to NHS Jobs, understand user experience and improve the services provided to you.
  • tell you about the latest changes to NHS Jobs.
  • provide customer service and support.
  • communicate with you on a personal level.
  • contact you to understand how you use the site and make improvements.
  • measure the performance of our service.
  • test our service when either implementing new functionality or support investigations during times of service disruption.
  • regularly transfer data from our service into the NHSBSA data warehouse.
  • combine data from NHS Jobs, the NHS Electronic Service Record, and NHS Pensions systems to help the NHS understand career pathways and inform workforce capacity and planning.

Sharing your personal information

We may share your information with:

  • the Electronic Staff Record System (ESR) used by your new employer, to pay you, manage your employment and for equal opportunities monitoring, if your application is successful.
  • employers who may hold copies of your application locally in their own systems as part of their recruitment process.
  • any other organisation who has a legal right to it.

The Department of Health and Social Care, its agencies, partner organisations, NHS Confederation organisations and independent regulatory agencies where it is needed to carry out official duties, such as, but not limited to: workforce planning; NHS policy development; and production of official statistics or for insight that would provide benefits to the wider NHS.

We will not transfer your personal data outside of the United Kingdom, Crown Dependencies or British Overseas Territories.

Keeping your personal information

Personal information in the e-recruitment system will be deleted within 460 days of the advertised application closing date. This information is retained so that we can revisit vacancies and applications in case the vacancy needs to be re-advertised or to enable us to respond to any applicant queries.

Your rights

The information you provided will be managed as required by Data Protection law. You have the right to:

  • receive a copy of the information NHS Jobs retains about you.
  • request your information be changed if you believe it was not correct at the time you provided it.
  • request that your information be deleted, by emailing nhsbsa.nhsjobs@nhsbsa.nhs.uk.

Find out more about your rights and how we process information.