10 March 2022 System release updates

New PDF spinner wheel and pagination

We've added a new download spinner wheel to the application download pages in the interview journeys. The spinner wheel will show when the PDF applications are preparing to download. We’ve added pagination to these pages so employers do not have to scroll down one long page.

Reserve list (shortlisting changes)

We have added a new feature which lets employers create a reserve list from the shortlisted applicants. Employers are able to save applicants to the reserve list and invite them to interviews at a later date. We email shortlisted applicants to let them know they are on the reserve list, rather than send them a rejection email. This is in response to user feedback.

Reserve list (interview changes)

We have added a feature to allow employers to access the reserve list during the interview stage. This will allow them to invite extra candidates to interview from the reserve list.

Tasklist address improvements

We have improved the way employers manage addresses while creating a job advert. The employer name is now displayed as part of the address so it is more visible in the listing.

Improvements to manage users

We have added the ability for a super user to add or change a user's role without it affecting their role in other organisations. This means that a user can have a different role in each organisation they are part of. We've also reduced the number of super users to 7.

Inter Authority Transfer (IAT) consent

When an applicant accepts their offer, we ask them about IAT consent. We've improved the content on this page to make it clearer to the applicant what this means.

Right to work document type values

The latest right to work document type values are now available to select for pre-employment checks.

Vacancy bulletin report

Job listing text is now included in the vacancy bulletin report for new job listings published from today.