Job responsibilities
term conditions
Review patients in multimorbidity clinics and in partnership with primary healthcare
colleagues and implement improvements to patients medicines, including
Manage own case load and run long-term
condition clinics. Responsible for
prescribing as an independent prescriber for conditions where medicines have
a large component (e.g., medicine optimisation in: respiratory disease,
cardiometabolic renal disease and other long term conditions.)
Review the
on-going need for each medicine, a review of monitoring needs and an
opportunity to support patients with their medicines taking ensuring they get
the best use of their medicines.
Structured Medication Reviews
Undertake structured medication reviews with
specific patient groups e.g. those with multi-morbidity, polypharmacy,
frailty, on addictive medications, care home residents and medicines
associated with harm. These target groups would be revisited annually to
match local/national requirements.
Undertaking SMRs includes autonomously
resolving issues which includes deprescribing where appropriate and ordering
relevant monitoring tests.
home/residential clinical medication reviews
Undertake structured medication
reviews for care home residents and link in with local PCN care homes leads.
Consider and develop mechanisms to improve MDT calls with care homes.
Undertake clinical medication
reviews with patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy and implement own prescribing
changes (as an independent prescriber) and order relevant monitoring tests.
Work with care home staff and
community pharmacies to improve safety of medicines ordering and safety.
develop pharmacy support to care homes, making best use of the clinical and
community pharmacists skills.
Management of medicines at
discharge from hospital.
To reconcile medicines following
discharge from hospitals, intermediate care and into care homes, including
identifying and rectifying unexplained changes and working with patients and
community pharmacists to ensure patients receive the medicines they need post
To reconcile medicines following discharge from hospitals,
intermediate care and into care homes, including identifying and rectifying
unexplained changes manage these changes without referral to a GP.
Work in partnership with hospital colleagues (e.g. care of the
elderly doctors and clinical pharmacists) to proactively manage patients at
high risk of medicine related problems before they are discharged to ensure
continuity of care.
Train clinical pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
on high quality medicines reconciliation.
Support and develop pharmacy technicians to expand competencies
to support this pathway.
Stay linked in with a wider systems approach to reduce
medication related errors on transfer of care.
Clinical advice and expertise on
medicines to practice staff, multidisciplinary teams, and patients
Answers all medicine-related enquiries from GPs, other practice staff, PCN pharmacy
colleagues and patients with queries about medicines.
Signposting to community
pharmacy for management of minor illness, medicines use reviews, new
medicines service and other locally commissioned service. Referring to GPs or
other healthcare professionals, where appropriate.
Medicines safety
Implement changes to medicines
that result from MHRA alerts, product withdrawal and other local and national
Provide quality assurance to the
lead clinical pharmacist on activity across the PCNs in this area.
Ensure all PCN pharmacists and pharmacy
technicians are aware of local standard operating procedures and are adhering
to gold standard management of patient safety and medicines optimisation.
Encourage reporting of medicines
safety issues and clinical interventions in line with NRLS and local
reporting mechanisms.
Undertake audits and quality
improvement initiatives of prescribing in areas directed by the GPs, feedback
the results and implement changes in conjunction with the practice team.
Antibiotic Stewardship
Promotion of evidence-based practice and
interventions to encourage adherence with NCL antimicrobial prescribing
Work closely with relevant leads to identify
areas where are reduction in inappropriate prescribing of antimicrobials is
high priority. This may include PCN leads, ICB leads and HGPF leads.
Repeat Prescribing
Support practices in the management of
repeat prescriptions in line within clinical competence. Manage
reauthorisation process by reviewing patient requests for repeat
prescriptions and reviewing medicines reaching review dates; make necessary
changes as an independent prescriber, and order blood test monitoring tests
where required.
Quality Improvement projects
Lead on quality improvement clinical
projects. These are usually aligned with clinical specialty areas of interest
and/or dependent on the service need.
Identify and provide leadership on audits
and quality improvement projects that can be delivered at scale.
Training & supervision
support the RPS Faculty development for clinical pharmacists.
education and clinical supervision to PCN pharmacists, technicians and
trainee pharmacists as part of our rolling education and training agenda.
to develop this training in line with workforce training leads, PCN
priorities and new asks from local and national priorities such as the
quality outcomes framework, investment and impact fund and directly enhanced
Support PCN pharmacy staff development in
accordance with out inhouse pathway which includes completion of case-based
discussions, peer reviews, practice clinical shadowing and completion of
direct observation of practice.