Senior Clinical Manager

NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough


This job is now closed

Job summary

To oversee and provide clinical assurance and oversight of the Complex Cases Team. Senior Clinical Manager within the Complex Cases Team working alongside the Band 8a second Senior Clinical Manager and Operational Manager (Band 8a) to manage Band 7 Clinical Managers and provide assurance that key work areas and workstreams are performing to statutory requirements and clinical best practice is maintained. This includes having direct oversight and accountability; providing assurance that both clinical and non-clinical operational functions are being managed.

Main duties of the job

Key areas of practice within the team include:

28-day performance and CHC framework compliance (80%)

DST KPIs in Acutes are maintained below 15%

Case Management principles

CHC reviews

Fast Track process

Discharge to Assess Pathway maintained

CHC Review programme

Hospital discharge - all patients have a commissioned plan of care

Commissioning of care for Complex Cases patients and joint working with brokerage

Case management principles are applied to all patients with CHC funding

Personal Health Budgets national mandate achieved

Acquired Brain Injuries pathway

Transition cases process

Legal cases



The post holder will oversee the management and governance of care commissioning for CHC eligible and joint funded patients. This will include appeals and dispute process ensuring joint working principles are applied with Local authority and stakeholders.

The post holder will work with a high level of autonomy to provide robust oversight and management of the CHC commissioning function and will provide expert advice and strong clinical leadership across the team.

The post holder will support the Head of Service Complex Cases in ensuring delivery of the ICBs duties within the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare, putting patients and families at the heart of the process. The post holder will support ensuring the service can deliver and commission high quality, safe and effective care.

The post holder will deputise for the Head of Service Complex Cases as required.

About us

NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough is an Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the statutory NHS organisation responsible for planning and delivering local health and care services to the population and communities of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.

Working collaboratively with partner organisations, including the VCSE sector, it oversees the commissioning, performance, financial management and transformation of the local NHS, as part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS).

We are passionate about creating an inclusive workplace that promotes and values diversity. We know through experience that different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds create a stronger and more creative work environment that delivers better patient outcomes. We welcome applications irrespective of peoples age, disability, sex, gender, identity and gender expression, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or other personal circumstances.

We are a predominantly home based organisation. Some roles within the ICB are not suitable for the sole use of public transport and/or where there is a long journey from home to where work routinely takes place.

Date posted

04 February 2025

Pay scheme

Agenda for change


Band 8a


£53,755 to £60,504 a year



Working pattern


Reference number


Job locations

Gemini House

Cambridgeshire Business Park



Job description

Job responsibilities

1. Managerial Leadership

Clinical Management responsibility for Band 7 Clinical Managers, working alongside 8a Senior Clinical Managers and Operational Manager (Band 8a) colleagues.

To support Clinical Managers in their responsibility for liaising with acute and community providers around delayed transfers of care and be the point of escalation within the Complex Cases Team for system partners.

Ensure Complex Cases Team delayed transfers of care patients are tightly managed and appropriate care is commissioned to support a timely discharge

To support Clinical Managers with clinical triage of daily patient case management caseload and prioritisation of commissioning to enable client safety and timely commissioning of care to mitigate clinical risk

To support the Complex Cases Team on PHB portfolio including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To support the Complex Cases Team on Childrens and Young People, including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To support the Complex Cases Team with clients with Learning Disabilities, including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To support the Complex Cases Team with Section 117 clients, including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To develop transitional planning with Childrens Continuing Healthcare, education and Social Care Services to ensure seamless movement into adult NHS Continuing Healthcare.

To support the Clinical Managers on day to day management of legal cases, liaising with ICB Solicitors and Complex Cases Team colleagues to undertake investigation and preparation of documents as required.

To support Clinical Managers on DoLs across the Complex Cases Team, including individual case management, undertaking training, working jointly with CHC nurse specialists and the ICB DoLs Lead as appropriate

To support Head of Clinical Services (Complex Cases) with management of safeguarding, liaison with ICB safeguarding team and with Local Authorities. This may include provider failure or Serious Incident management.

To liaise with clients or their representatives, health and social care professionals and other agencies with respect to the process for NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessment.

To have expert Clinical knowledge pertaining to Adult Continuing Healthcare applying it to individual cases.

Plans, organises and prioritises their own & team workload in relation to service

Have responsibility for proactively monitoring care for the most complex patients on the CHC caseload and escalating to the Head of Clinical Services (Complex Cases) where appropriate.

To chair monthly Dispute Panels with Local Authority and decision maker on dispute cases.

To act as a clinical representative on the Complex Cases Panel.

To provide professional clinical support to CHC Nurse Specialists within the Complex Cases Team

To support and inspire colleagues at all levels in the provision of high levels of clinical practice.

To act as a role model maintaining individual professional development and clinical excellence.

To apply relevant HR policy in line management of staff (Band 7) including management supervision, performance and capability, sickness management and appraisal process.

Represent the CHC team at NHSE Leads meetings

Provide up to date training for relevant pathways and workstreams.

2. Clinical Governance, H&S, Audit Quality

Provide advice in relation to quality of care

Contribute to the policy and service development of the Complex Cases Team

Provide clinical advice and expertise to the financial authorisation and Complex Cases Panel, ensuring a patient centred approach to decision making.

Undertake surveys and audits relating to NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Participate in approved research projects as requested.

Maintain personal and professional development in accordance with appropriate professional registration Code of Professional Conduct maintained by all clinical practice as required by developing and maintaining clinical skills and maintenance of a personal professional portfolio.

Identify, assess, manage and systematically reduce risks. Process risk management incident report forms in the first instance and carry out any investigations necessary.

Work with the Head of Clinical Service (Complex Cases), Senior Clinical Manager and Operational Manager and the Quality & Nursing Directorate to monitor quality of commissioned care providers, working closely with the local authority to ensure care is delivered to the highest standards.

Ensure that CHC assurance framework (CHAT) is maintained, and key areas of improvement are identified.

3. Personal and People Development

Support clinical colleagues to meet requirements for revalidation.

Take responsibility for own ongoing professional development, accessing clinical supervision and ensuring professional development plan in place. Ensuring that agreed goals within the professional development plans are fully met.

To be responsible, along with appropriate colleagues for the coordination and training of NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessors and Co-ordinators, ensuring that that they have the requisite skills to match their responsibilities.

To take personal responsibility for comprehension of the national and local agenda for NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Using professional knowledge and expertise in the field of NHS Continuing Healthcare, NHS- funded Nursing Care to assist colleagues with the implementation and evaluation of specialist education and training packages across a wide range of agencies.

Attending professional network meetings and updates as deemed appropriate.

Responsibility for ensuring all team members (administrative and clinical) have ongoing professional and personal development and ensure training up to date and any training needs identified and undertaken.

4. Communication

To act as a contact point for complaints in the absence of the Head of Service (Complex Cases)

To effectively communicate highly complex or sensitive information to patients and/or their representatives where patients are in the terminal stages of their illness, ensuring empathy and reassurance.

Dealing with regular telephone calls throughout the day, addressing general enquiries, issues of concern regarding patient wellbeing, complaints and referrals.

Make complex judgements including managing intra-professional difference of opinion.

Follow safeguarding policies and guidelines and know how to seek specialist advice.

To be able to recognise the indicators of abuse and how to act on them.

To act as a contact point for complaints as and when required

To effectively communicate with families who may be hostile and antagonistic dependent on their personal circumstances and an awareness of the personal financial implications which could ensue as a result of any decisions made by the team.

5. Financial Management

To be aware and conversant with all financial and budgetary issues relating to Complex Cases Team.

Report daily, weekly and monthly where appropriate on demand for placements and care packages and delayed transfers of care (DToC).

Identify capacity constraints and use effective management techniques to mitigate bottlenecks and inform future commissioning plans and developments.

Contribute towards performance improvement and lead on identified areas.

Approval of packages of care as per Standing Financial Instructions

Job description

Job responsibilities

1. Managerial Leadership

Clinical Management responsibility for Band 7 Clinical Managers, working alongside 8a Senior Clinical Managers and Operational Manager (Band 8a) colleagues.

To support Clinical Managers in their responsibility for liaising with acute and community providers around delayed transfers of care and be the point of escalation within the Complex Cases Team for system partners.

Ensure Complex Cases Team delayed transfers of care patients are tightly managed and appropriate care is commissioned to support a timely discharge

To support Clinical Managers with clinical triage of daily patient case management caseload and prioritisation of commissioning to enable client safety and timely commissioning of care to mitigate clinical risk

To support the Complex Cases Team on PHB portfolio including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To support the Complex Cases Team on Childrens and Young People, including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To support the Complex Cases Team with clients with Learning Disabilities, including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To support the Complex Cases Team with Section 117 clients, including policy development and education and training across Complex Cases Team and system partners.

To develop transitional planning with Childrens Continuing Healthcare, education and Social Care Services to ensure seamless movement into adult NHS Continuing Healthcare.

To support the Clinical Managers on day to day management of legal cases, liaising with ICB Solicitors and Complex Cases Team colleagues to undertake investigation and preparation of documents as required.

To support Clinical Managers on DoLs across the Complex Cases Team, including individual case management, undertaking training, working jointly with CHC nurse specialists and the ICB DoLs Lead as appropriate

To support Head of Clinical Services (Complex Cases) with management of safeguarding, liaison with ICB safeguarding team and with Local Authorities. This may include provider failure or Serious Incident management.

To liaise with clients or their representatives, health and social care professionals and other agencies with respect to the process for NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessment.

To have expert Clinical knowledge pertaining to Adult Continuing Healthcare applying it to individual cases.

Plans, organises and prioritises their own & team workload in relation to service

Have responsibility for proactively monitoring care for the most complex patients on the CHC caseload and escalating to the Head of Clinical Services (Complex Cases) where appropriate.

To chair monthly Dispute Panels with Local Authority and decision maker on dispute cases.

To act as a clinical representative on the Complex Cases Panel.

To provide professional clinical support to CHC Nurse Specialists within the Complex Cases Team

To support and inspire colleagues at all levels in the provision of high levels of clinical practice.

To act as a role model maintaining individual professional development and clinical excellence.

To apply relevant HR policy in line management of staff (Band 7) including management supervision, performance and capability, sickness management and appraisal process.

Represent the CHC team at NHSE Leads meetings

Provide up to date training for relevant pathways and workstreams.

2. Clinical Governance, H&S, Audit Quality

Provide advice in relation to quality of care

Contribute to the policy and service development of the Complex Cases Team

Provide clinical advice and expertise to the financial authorisation and Complex Cases Panel, ensuring a patient centred approach to decision making.

Undertake surveys and audits relating to NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Participate in approved research projects as requested.

Maintain personal and professional development in accordance with appropriate professional registration Code of Professional Conduct maintained by all clinical practice as required by developing and maintaining clinical skills and maintenance of a personal professional portfolio.

Identify, assess, manage and systematically reduce risks. Process risk management incident report forms in the first instance and carry out any investigations necessary.

Work with the Head of Clinical Service (Complex Cases), Senior Clinical Manager and Operational Manager and the Quality & Nursing Directorate to monitor quality of commissioned care providers, working closely with the local authority to ensure care is delivered to the highest standards.

Ensure that CHC assurance framework (CHAT) is maintained, and key areas of improvement are identified.

3. Personal and People Development

Support clinical colleagues to meet requirements for revalidation.

Take responsibility for own ongoing professional development, accessing clinical supervision and ensuring professional development plan in place. Ensuring that agreed goals within the professional development plans are fully met.

To be responsible, along with appropriate colleagues for the coordination and training of NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessors and Co-ordinators, ensuring that that they have the requisite skills to match their responsibilities.

To take personal responsibility for comprehension of the national and local agenda for NHS Continuing Healthcare.

Using professional knowledge and expertise in the field of NHS Continuing Healthcare, NHS- funded Nursing Care to assist colleagues with the implementation and evaluation of specialist education and training packages across a wide range of agencies.

Attending professional network meetings and updates as deemed appropriate.

Responsibility for ensuring all team members (administrative and clinical) have ongoing professional and personal development and ensure training up to date and any training needs identified and undertaken.

4. Communication

To act as a contact point for complaints in the absence of the Head of Service (Complex Cases)

To effectively communicate highly complex or sensitive information to patients and/or their representatives where patients are in the terminal stages of their illness, ensuring empathy and reassurance.

Dealing with regular telephone calls throughout the day, addressing general enquiries, issues of concern regarding patient wellbeing, complaints and referrals.

Make complex judgements including managing intra-professional difference of opinion.

Follow safeguarding policies and guidelines and know how to seek specialist advice.

To be able to recognise the indicators of abuse and how to act on them.

To act as a contact point for complaints as and when required

To effectively communicate with families who may be hostile and antagonistic dependent on their personal circumstances and an awareness of the personal financial implications which could ensue as a result of any decisions made by the team.

5. Financial Management

To be aware and conversant with all financial and budgetary issues relating to Complex Cases Team.

Report daily, weekly and monthly where appropriate on demand for placements and care packages and delayed transfers of care (DToC).

Identify capacity constraints and use effective management techniques to mitigate bottlenecks and inform future commissioning plans and developments.

Contribute towards performance improvement and lead on identified areas.

Approval of packages of care as per Standing Financial Instructions

Person Specification

Skills, Ability and Knowledge


  • Detailed knowledge of National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care and its implementation
  • Knowledge and experience of the development of effective and efficient NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care Documentation and IT Databases.
  • Highly developed knowledge and understanding of NHS and Social Care Services structures and Independent Sector Organisations
  • Fully conversant with the nursing process and need to assess, plan, implement and evaluate the needs of patients with particular emphasis on in depth knowledge and wide experience of specific clinical interventions available to support patients with specialist and complex health needs.
  • Highly developed knowledge and experience of staff recruitment and selection processes.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent presentation skills
  • Ability to Chair meetings
  • Ability to relate to patients, and all levels of multidisciplinary/multi-agency personnel confidently and efficiently
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines


  • To demonstrate a commitment to undertake ongoing professional development



  • Educated to masters level or equivalent level of experience of working at a senior level in specialist area.
  • Registered Nurse - General/Adult/Mental health/Learning Disability or Allied Health Care Professional (Occupational therapist/physio therapist, speech and language therapist)
  • Valid professional registration.


  • ENB 988 Teaching, Assessment and Supervision or equivalent
  • Counselling qualification or experience
  • ENB Training and education



  • Substantial experience in a senior nursing role within NHS Continuing Healthcare or managing Complex Care.
  • A wide knowledge, understanding and experience of conditions such as Acquired Brain Injury, Neurological Care, Palliative Care, Medical Care, Surgical Care and Long-Term Conditions.
  • Leadership and Management experience
  • Experience of working in partnership between health and social care.
  • Experience of delivering training programmes to groups.
  • Experience of managing or planning specialist packages of care which are tailored to the needs of individual patients.


  • Experience of Community Nursing
  • Experience of Palliative Care.
  • Experience and awareness of budgetary issues ensuring concordance
  • Experience drafting briefing papers and correspondence at SMT level
  • Experience of leading on clinical quality monitoring programmes

Personal Attributes


  • Ability to travel between locations across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB
  • Enthusiastic
  • Team player
  • Highly motivated and resourceful and proactive approach
  • Flexible and adaptable
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Accepts responsibility and accountability for own work
  • Recognises the limits of own authority within the role
  • Seeks and uses professional support appropriately
  • Well organised
  • Open and honest
Person Specification

Skills, Ability and Knowledge


  • Detailed knowledge of National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care and its implementation
  • Knowledge and experience of the development of effective and efficient NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care Documentation and IT Databases.
  • Highly developed knowledge and understanding of NHS and Social Care Services structures and Independent Sector Organisations
  • Fully conversant with the nursing process and need to assess, plan, implement and evaluate the needs of patients with particular emphasis on in depth knowledge and wide experience of specific clinical interventions available to support patients with specialist and complex health needs.
  • Highly developed knowledge and experience of staff recruitment and selection processes.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent presentation skills
  • Ability to Chair meetings
  • Ability to relate to patients, and all levels of multidisciplinary/multi-agency personnel confidently and efficiently
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines


  • To demonstrate a commitment to undertake ongoing professional development



  • Educated to masters level or equivalent level of experience of working at a senior level in specialist area.
  • Registered Nurse - General/Adult/Mental health/Learning Disability or Allied Health Care Professional (Occupational therapist/physio therapist, speech and language therapist)
  • Valid professional registration.


  • ENB 988 Teaching, Assessment and Supervision or equivalent
  • Counselling qualification or experience
  • ENB Training and education



  • Substantial experience in a senior nursing role within NHS Continuing Healthcare or managing Complex Care.
  • A wide knowledge, understanding and experience of conditions such as Acquired Brain Injury, Neurological Care, Palliative Care, Medical Care, Surgical Care and Long-Term Conditions.
  • Leadership and Management experience
  • Experience of working in partnership between health and social care.
  • Experience of delivering training programmes to groups.
  • Experience of managing or planning specialist packages of care which are tailored to the needs of individual patients.


  • Experience of Community Nursing
  • Experience of Palliative Care.
  • Experience and awareness of budgetary issues ensuring concordance
  • Experience drafting briefing papers and correspondence at SMT level
  • Experience of leading on clinical quality monitoring programmes

Personal Attributes


  • Ability to travel between locations across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB
  • Enthusiastic
  • Team player
  • Highly motivated and resourceful and proactive approach
  • Flexible and adaptable
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Accepts responsibility and accountability for own work
  • Recognises the limits of own authority within the role
  • Seeks and uses professional support appropriately
  • Well organised
  • Open and honest

Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Additional information

Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Employer details

Employer name

NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough


Gemini House

Cambridgeshire Business Park



Employer's website (Opens in a new tab)

Employer details

Employer name

NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough


Gemini House

Cambridgeshire Business Park



Employer's website (Opens in a new tab)

For questions about the job, contact:

Head of Sustainability and Transformation

Brian Bostock

Date posted

04 February 2025

Pay scheme

Agenda for change


Band 8a


£53,755 to £60,504 a year



Working pattern


Reference number


Job locations

Gemini House

Cambridgeshire Business Park



Supporting documents

Privacy notice

NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough's privacy notice (opens in a new tab)