Job responsibilities
To work on own initiative, unsupervised, balancing the requirements of the role.
Planning and prioritising workload to deliver an effective service.
To promote and support the implementation of national policies and NICE where these relate to medicines use.
To support the management of indicative prescribing budgets.
To be responsible for medicines management policy implementation and medicines management service development at GP practice level, appropriately modified to reflect individual practice circumstances and needs.
Support the work of other ICB medicines management staff.
Any other reasonable task consistent with grade and competence.
To improve medicines management outcomes by informing, involving, negotiating with, persuading, motivating and co-ordinating the activities of key health care professionals.
To resolve specific medication issues by direct contact with patients or groups of patients.
To be responsible for developing, promoting, and implementing evidence-based prescribing practice within own GP practices.
To lead on specific clinical issues or project areas as requested by the Head of Medicines Management.
To implement the medicines management plans within GP practices and, in collaboration with the primary health care team.
To provide appropriately differentiated specialist advice and education on prescribing and medicines management to colleagues at a GP practice level, care homes and the NHS and wider community, including patients or their carers, to facilitate optimal use of the medicines resource, and to be accountable for that advice.
To undertake medication reviews in practices, care homes, domiciliary or other settings. This will involve offering advice and explanations about medicines and, where necessary, initiating changes to ensure patients medication is optimised and referring the patients to other services when indicated.
To undertake assessments of patients adherence with medicine use within the home setting in conjunction with relatives, carers, relevant health and social care staff and the voluntary sector. To make recommendation to health care service providers based on this assessment.
To maintain knowledge and awareness of current clinical evidence base around medicines, interpreting this evidence to ensure that advice given to professional colleagues and patients is current, relevant, accurate and in keeping with national and local guidelines. In so doing being accountable for ones own professional actions whilst working within a framework of ethical, legal and clinical standards.
To accept the legal and clinical responsibility to treat patients within the legal framework of a Patient Group Direction (PGD).
To hold or to work towards independent prescribing qualification.
To undertake independent prescribing if qualified and where required by the ICB.
To contribute to rational evidence-based prescribing across primary and secondary care ensuring the most cost-effective use of the drugs budget at both practice level and global level.
To maintain a high professional standard, acting in a discreet and professional manner and respecting the status of independent contractors, patients, and professional colleagues.
To exercise due care and attention whilst working with extraneous equipment.
To act promptly and efficiently in response to unpredictable situations, being adaptable to the work environment, while maintaining levels of concentration.
To organise and conduct regular meetings with GP practices.
To carry out lone working in line with the ICB lone working policy where required
To undertake any other reasonable duties appropriate to the post and grade.
Training and Education
To provide education to patients and their representatives about medicines.
To provide information to patients and their representatives on national or local policy relating to medicines use.
To liaise with and provide support for the other members of the medicines management team and their work, so that knowledge and expertise is shared, and consistency achieved across the team.
To deliver core training on medicines management issues to other medicines management support staff, health care professionals, practice staff, trainees, and undergraduate students.
To act as tutor for undergraduate pharmacy students working with the place when undertaking their final year project or other practice/place-based studies.
To undertake and complete mandatory and other relevant training.
Research and Audit
To undertake aspects of risk management by audit and review of practice medicines management systems.
To support the development of and implement evidence-based prescribing protocols and/or formularies.
To maintain appropriate records in relation to medicines management activity and outcomes, both clinical and financial.
To contribute to rational and cost-effective prescribing across primary and secondary care to achieve the most effective use of the medicines resource at both practice level and across the health economy.
To be involved in any research development, project, or pilot development as approved by a Senior Clinical Pharmacist.
To be responsible for reporting of significant events or adverse drug reactions using the appropriate reporting system.
Communication & Relationships
To obtain, interpret and present information to colleagues to illustrate trends in prescribing or areas of concern, and support prescribers with a course of action (including designing and managing any necessary audits, projects, or research) and a means of monitoring outcomes to address these.
To analyse and interpret EPACT2 (Electronic Prescribing Analysis and CosT) data and other data to support rational prescribing, and to act upon that information to achieve necessary changes in prescribing.
To provide prescribers and patients with pharmaceutical advice.
To provide regular update reports on progress to the Senior Clinical Pharmacist for Medicines Management, including raising any clinical governance concerns.
To support the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Services contract, working with colleagues and, where necessary, liaising with local community pharmacists to ensure effective delivery.
To provide regular feedback to other members of the medicines management team, participate in discussion on medicines policy to ensure consistency of message within the team and coordination of action.
To work in a discreet and professional manner, respecting and maintaining the confidentiality of patient specific and prescribing data.
To be involved in Public Health Projects such as Public Awareness Days, Flu Vaccination Campaigns, Medicines Partnership promotions.
Key working relationships
The post holder will have regular contact with a wide range of staff at all levels within the ICB, with senior and other representatives of local stakeholders, as well as with patients and their representatives. Some of the key direct relationships include:
- ICS Chief Pharmacist
- ICS Deputy Chief Pharmacist
- Heads of Medicines Management
- Place Medicines Management Teams
- Colleagues and Senior leaders of the Medical Directorate including Clinical Leads and the Digital Team
- Place Director
- Place AD of Transformation
- Business Intelligence (BI) Colleagues
- Cheshire and Merseyside ICB senior leadership teams
- Programme Directors and managers working within C&M Priority Programmes
- Colleagues within NHSE/I
- Local authority colleagues
- Provider colleagues