Community Consultant Paediatrician
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust
This job is now closed
Job summary
The ideal applicant will have experience of all aspects of community paediatrics including child development, ASD, ADHD, neuro disability, Children Looked After, children in need and children withspecial educational needs.
You will have an ability to work independently, but within a supportive team. Multiagency and multidisciplinary working is expected and encouraged.
An area of special interest to complementthose already available in the Department would be welcomed and can be discussed.We are especially interested in someone with an interest / experience and / or a SPIN module in Paediatric Neurology/ epilepsy.
You will have ready access to senior opinion when required. Additional training will be made available for any areas a successful candidate has less experience of. Career progression will be supported and encouraged via a named supervisor, mentoring, annual appraisal and job planning.
There are no on-call or acute responsibilities attached to this post. However, there are opportunities to interact with acute colleagues based at Royal Lancaster Infirmary, and with colleagues in SouthCumbria, thus ensuring an integrated approach to child health. We have good links with our therapy colleagues, integrated children's community nursing team (via UHMB) and our colleagues in Schoolnursing and Health visiting (via Virgin Care) and Education.
Main duties of the job
Within UHMBFT, Children and Young People's (CYP) Services are integrated with Maternity and Gynaecology within the Women's & Children's Services (WACS) Division. Leadership and support is provided through a robust management and governance structure.
The CYP team provides hospital-based acute paediatric care, neonatal services, scheduled day case and outpatient care, and safeguarding / child-protection expertise. UHMBT covers North Lancashire and South Cumbria. In North Lancashire, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBFT) is responsible for the provision of community paediatric services in the Morecambe Bay Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area.
In addition to our 2 vacancies wehave3Community Paediatric Consultants,oneAssociateSpecialist (shared with acute services),and oneSpeciality Doctorwho have a rangeof interests including Autism, ADHD,Neurodisabilityand LookedAfterChildren. We have 2 Paediatric trainees from theNorthWestDeanery working with us in Community Paediatrics.Anumber ofour consultants hold acute clinicsin addition toprovidingclinics in the community.
Morecambe Bay is part of the ICS which involves Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, East Lancs Hospital Trust and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals. Working together to develop services across the geographicalfoot print.
About us
We operate from three main hospitals - Furness General Hospital (FGH) in Barrow, the Royal Lancaster Infirmary (RLI), and Westmorland General Hospital (WGH) in Kendal, as well as a number of community health care premises including Millom Hospital and GP Practice, Queen Victoria Hospital in Morecambe, and Ulverston Community Health Centre.
FGH and the RLI have a range of General Hospital services, with full Emergency Departments, Critical Care units and various Consultant-led services.
WGH provides a range of General Hospital services, together with an Urgent Treatment Centre, that can help with a range of non-life threatening conditions such as broken bones and minor illnesses.
All three main hospitals provide a range of planned care including outpatients, diagnostics, therapies, day case and inpatient surgery. In addition, a range of local outreach services and diagnostics are provided from community facilities across Morecambe Bay.
We provide services for Children & Young People with additional needs. The service is community based and delivered from Longlands Child Development Centre, with satellite clinics in the wider community. Other services such as paediatric therapy, psychology ICNT & Therapies Children's Community Nursing, Hearing, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Nursing and Therapy teams & our specialist health visitors are also located at Longlands Children's Development Centre.
Date posted
06 August 2024
Pay scheme
Hospital medical and dental staff
£99,532 to £131,964 a year Additional PAs discussed as part of job planning
Working pattern
Reference number
Job locations
Longlands Child Development Centre
Westbourne Drive
Employer details
Employer name
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust
Longlands Child Development Centre
Westbourne Drive
Employer's website
For questions about the job, contact:
Supporting documents
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