Job responsibilities
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) physics group lies within the Radionuclide
and MR Physics section of the Medical Physics and Engineering Department. It
delivers a broad range of specialised, highly complex scientific and
technical services to the providers of clinical MRI services within the Trust
and as contracted by other providers. The MRI equipment supported includes 9
MRI systems across the Trust, 1 jointly owned University of Leeds and Leeds
Teaching Hospitals system at Chapel Allerton, 3 University of Leeds systems
and a further 7 systems in other hospitals within the region.
the direction of the Head of MRI Physics, the post holder will participate in
the provision of a wide range of scientific and technical support to MRI
service providers within the Trust and to those of its customers.
post-holder is expected to provide technical and scientific services to, and
contribute to the development and management of, the MRI equipment.
is expected take responsibility for the day-to-day supervision of trainee
clinical scientists and to develop effective working relationships with
senior clinical staff in the Trust and other staff within the department.
will act as a registered clinical scientist for the Trust providing
specialist advice and expertise in MRI.
is expected to actively participate in the initiation and further development
of appropriate research and development activity within the group for at
least 20% of his/her time.
is expected to provide teaching and training of NHS staff in basic and
advanced MRI physics, techniques, applications and safety.
for the safe use of highly complex, expensive equipment across the Trust,
including 9 MRI systems across the Trust, 1 jointly owned University of Leeds
and Leeds Teaching Hospitals system at Chapel Allerton, 3 University of Leeds
systems and a further 7 systems in other hospitals within the region, and
associated workstations and test equipment with a total replacement value of
national policies and guidelines relating to the installation and use of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems and associated equipment for the Trust and
assists in the development of the corresponding local policy to ensure the
safety of patients, staff and members of the public.
the Magnetic Resonance Safety Expert through the provision of safety advice
to the Trust and sits on the multidisciplinary Trust MRI safety group.
as a scientific specialist in MRI physics for the Trust.
as required, scientific and technical services, including the provision of MR
safety advice, as contracted by other healthcare organisations, including
Bradford, Airedale, Harrogate and York and Scarborough NHS Trusts, Private
Healthcare providers and academic institutions.
with the provision of safety frameworks to 3 University-owned MRI systems
located within the General Infirmary; 2 dedicated to Cardiac research, funded
by the British Heart Foundation and the third located in the Advanced Imaging
Centre funded by the Medical Research Council for the development of
Hyperpolarised MRI techniques.
with the provision of scientific and technical support to routine and
advanced clinical MR imaging applications, including Advanced Neuro Imaging
(fMRI, DTI) for neurosurgical planning, Advanced Body Imaging (Liver, Breast,
Prostate), Breast Biopsy service, Advanced Cardiac Imaging, MR-based
Radiotherapy Treatment Planning and Musculoskeletal Imaging.
with the provision of scientific and technical support to research programmes
in Cardiac MRI, Oncology, MR-based Radiotherapy Treatment Planning and
Musculoskeletal Disease.
for day-to-day supervision of trainee clinical scientists and pre-registered
provide scientific and technical services for a broad range of both routine
and non-routine, highly specialised scientific and technical services in
Magnetic Resonance Imaging across LTH Trust
participate in the provision of similar services as contracted by other
healthcare organisations.
plan and participate in the development of appropriate quality systems for
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, including quality assurance (QA) and often highly
complex MRI protocol, pulse sequence and software development, and ensure
that the services provided by the MR group are of the highest quality.
a registered clinical scientist for the Trust, to provide highly specialist
advice on all aspects of MR physics, safety, techniques and applications.
propose changes based on current national and international MR safety
guidelines for the Trust and other organisations as contracted, to ensure the
safety of patients, staff and members of the public, including the provision
and updating of local rules for other colleagues working in the MR
work in close collaboration with MRI Service Managers, MR Radiographers, MR
Clinical Scientists and other designated Responsible Persons, to ensure that
the Trust fulfils its obligations as defined within current national and
international guidelines and related Health and Safety legislation, including
the maintenance of adequate records.
develop and advise on the correct and safe use of highly specialised,
non-routine MR procedures for individual patients examinations or specific
patient groups, often including very ill patients.
perform non-routine, highly specialised analysis and interpretation of MRI
images from individual patients, particularly those requiring advanced
post-processing and/or image analysis. In conjunction with other Healthcare
professionals, ensure that the interpretation of the results of the analysis,
that are essential for clinical decision-making, are accurate and reliable.
provide specialist scientific and technical support throughout the Trust for
the specification, evaluation, selection and acceptance testing of new MRI
systems and associated equipment.
ensure optimum performance of the installed base of MR systems within the
Trust and to perform first line support in close liaison with the
participate in research and development programmes within the MRI group and
in collaboration with other Trust and University departments which are of
high quality and consistent with the joint Trust and University of Leeds
research strategy.
liaise with MR manufacturers relating to scientific and clinical applications
and R&D support and to test and implement new techniques supplied.
participate in the development of existing techniques in Magnetic Resonance
Imaging and to identify, implement and test new and advanced techniques for
routine clinical use.
provide supervision and training of NHS clinical scientists and technicians
participating in the Clinical/Healthcare Scientist training scheme, and other
professional training schemes.
provide basic and advanced teaching and training, usually at postgraduate
level, of other NHS staff (including Radiographers and Radiologists) in MR
physics, safety, techniques and applications.
teach on both internal and external postgraduate courses including the
Masters (MSc) in Medical Imaging where this falls within the remit of the NHS
supervise and train undergraduate and postgraduate students working on MR
projects where appropriate
liaise with external organisations and regulatory bodies who have an interest
in the work of the section.
perform other duties as determined by the Head of MR Physics, and for the
provision of effective services.
travel, as required, within the UK or abroad for further specialist training
or to attend relevant scientific meetings.
make evidence-based assessments of risk, seeking advice where appropriate,
where the outcome may be in conflict with national or other published
guidelines, for example, in advising senior clinicians on the use of MRI
procedures or practices that would normally be contra-indicated, where it may
be in the best interests of an individual patient.
devise safe, legal and effective solutions to complex science-based clinical
problems, based on risk assessment and knowledge of current methodologies in
MRI, determining the best practicable solution given the constraints on
available resources, seeking advice where appropriate.
plan the development and implementation of new MR procedures.
plan programmes for the work of trainee physicists.
monitor and analyse MRI images and/or resulting data, to determine the best
course of action in instances of MR system faults.
devise and construct test objects that mimic clinical scenarios to be used in
the MRI system.
prepare solutions to be used in MRI test objects, involving pipetting precise
volumes of solutions to given concentrations and using chemical balances.
manually set up, calibrate and operate highly complex equipment including MRI
systems and associated test equipment, where accuracy is important.
apply specialist scientific knowledge to provide innovative solutions to
clinical problems.
provide specialist scientific input to strategic service developments
relating to the clinical MRI service.
write, edit and proof read complex scientific and technical reports,
requiring a high level of concentration for periods of approximately 2 hours
at a time, whilst being subject to frequent interruptions.
specify and write bespoke computer software to provide solutions, including
advanced image processing, to particular imaging problems to meet the
requirements of other colleagues.