Head of Nuclear Medicine - Consultant Clinical Scientist

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust


This job is now closed

Job summary

To manage the operational, scientific and technical activities of all Nuclear Medicine services within Clinical Physics & Biomedical Engineering.

To lead a department providing highly specialist scientific advice and clinical technical services for patients undergoing conventional Nuclear Medicine imaging and non-imaging investigations, PET/CT imaging and Radionuclide Therapy treatments.

To provide, in conjunction with the ARSAC licence holders, clinical reports for conventional Nuclear Medicine imaging and non-imaging investigations and oversight of Radionuclide Therapy administration processes.

The post holder is the lead expert in Nuclear Medicine and adviser to the Trust in this field, including policy, strategy and training. The holder interprets and is guided by regulations and professional, national and international standards. Jointly, with the Director of Clinical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, the post holder decides on policy and strategic objectives.

Main duties of the job

Applications are invited from experienced Nuclear Medicine clinical scientists seeking to lead a large, busy Nuclear Medicine team providing a comprehensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic services to the people of Coventry and Warwickshire. The post holder will also have responsibility for overseeing a team of scientists offering Vascular Ultrasound services to patients from the same geographical area.

The successful candidate will be a registered clinical scientist with MPE status in Nuclear Medicine and have at least 10 years experience of working in the specialty. He / she will be a RWA, or expect to obtain a certificate in the near future, and hold a PhD or equivalent qualification. In addition, the successful candidate will offer evidence of effective management of a large, multidisciplinary team providing a comprehensive level of diagnostic (including PET/CT) and therapeutic services, teaching experience and an active interest in research.

About us

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust, rated as good by the Care Quality Commission, is one of the largest teaching Trusts in the UK.

We are extremely proud of our skilled employees across our hospital sites in Coventry and Rugby, with high quality patient care positioned at the heart of everything we do.

Boasting some of the most modern facilities in Western Europe, the Trust is renowned for being at the forefront of research and innovation as part of its blossoming reputation as a national and international leader in healthcare.

By joining our exciting journey, you will form part of a passionate, talented team and will be able to access a wide range of learning and development opportunities.

There has never been a better time to join our team.

Date posted

09 July 2021

Pay scheme

Agenda for change


Band 8d


£75,914 to £87,754 a year



Working pattern

Full-time, Part-time, Flexible working

Reference number


Job locations

University Hospital Coventry

Clifford Bridge Road



Job description

Job responsibilities

The Nuclear Medicine department has three SPECT/CT gamma cameras (two 16 slice and one 4 slice CT), a PET/CT (64 slice CT) and a network of image processing and reporting computers. All imaging and associated equipment are included within a managed equipment service with associated lifecycle. In addition to the four imaging rooms the department has a large Radiopharmacy which includes radiopharmaceutical production facilities for both Tc-99m and Ga-68 products and associated dispensing area. The department also has an in-vitro counting laboratory, two injection rooms, cardiac stressing room, reception and pre and post injection waiting areas.

The Nuclear Medicine service undertakes over 9500 diagnostic investigations (including 3000 PET/CT) and approximately 150 therapeutic administrations per year. PET-CT scans offered in addition to F-18 FDG include Dota-peptide tracers, PSMA and other standard tracers (sodium fluoride etc.). The department is also equipped with a Posijet auto-injecting system for PET administrations. There is a diverse therapy workload including Iodine-131, Radium-223 and Lutetium-177 PRRT. The department will shortly be offering Lutetium-177 PSMA treatments as part of clinical trials.

Vascular Ultrasound undertake approximately 7000 investigations per year.

The Nuclear Medicine team consists of five clinical scientists (including post holder), eleven clinical technologists, three associate clinical technologists, two nurses and four administration staff. In addition, Nuclear Medicine has four consultant radionuclide radiologists (2 ARSAC License holders). There are close links with the Oncology department for radionuclide therapies and the post-holder will be expected to work alongside consultant oncologists to develop the service.

1 Management of Nuclear Medicine & Vascular Ultrasound1.1 Manage the direct delivery of the Nuclear Medicine, PET-CT & Vascular Ultrasoundservices on behalf of the Trust.1.2 Manage the staff in all aspects, including: recruitment, selection, definition of jobroles, appraisal (PDR), career development, training, retention, sickness absence,grievance and discipline.1.3 Manage the non-staff budget of the nuclear medicine department.1.4 Monitor and plan the staff budget of the Nuclear Medicine department and overseethe budget for Vascular Ultrasound service together with the lead Scientist.1.5 To provide leadership, manage policy, long-term strategic planning and servicedevelopment within the nuclear medicine and vascular ultrasound department.1.6 Initiate, plan and implement new procedures and techniques.1.7 Manage the procurement of supplies and equipment required by the NuclearMedicine and Vascular Ultrasound departments.1.8 Initiate and plan the provision of new equipment and imaging kit. Detail thespecifications, select manufacturers, requisition (where appropriate) confirm deliveryand oversee appropriate acceptance testing.1.9 Manage the PET-CT Service Contract on behalf of the Trust.1.10 Actively pursue opportunities for income generation.2 Clinical2.1 Initiate, plan and facilitate new imaging and non-imaging investigations andradionuclide therapy treatments.2.2 Analyse, interpret and report Nuclear Medicine investigations.2.3 Advise medical staff on the appropriate investigation for various clinical indications.2.4 Decide, in consultation with the appropriate ARSAC licence holder (consultantradiologist, nuclear medicine physician etc.), clinical policy on the authorisation ofNuclear Medicine investigations and approve the adoption of new investigations.2.5 Evaluate and justify (or reject) written referrals for Nuclear Medicine investigations.2.6 Advise medical staff on the scientific interpretation of subtle or anomalousappearances in Nuclear Medicine investigations.2.7 Participate in clinical audit.2.8 To lead the investigation of clinical incidents in accordance with UHCW policy andIRR17 / IR(ME)R 2017 legislation.2.9 Develop audit processes within the department to ensure that all legal, professionaland service obligations are met.2.10 Oversee regular department quality meetings and ensure representation andreporting to Imaging Group QIPS meetings2.11 Ensure departmental representation and reporting to the Groups Risk ManagementGroup, Health & Safety and Governance Meetings.2.12 Actively participate in the Radionuclide Therapy Governance Meetings with allrelevant therapy ARSAC license holders.3 Quality3.1 Be responsible for all quality assurance programmes associated with NuclearMedicine services.3.2 Decide on the commissioning and continuing (daily, monthly and yearly) qualitycontrol tests appropriate for equipment and to plan and supervise those tests.3.3 Define the way in which performance data will be recorded.3.4 Plan and supervise the documentation of measurement techniques and equipmentoperation instructions and the related staff training.3.5 Review, analyse and interpret measurement results which are outside tolerance.3.6 Determine the reasons for anomalous results and the cause of subtle or nonreproducible equipment or technique faults.3.7 In cases where there is doubt, to make the final decision on the removal of equipmentor procedures from clinical use.3.8 Undertake risk assessments in accordance with the ionizing radiation regulations,Health and Safety at Work Act and Trust policy.3.9 Ensure all practice is evidence based, shared, and patient focused.3.10 Ensure that user views are accounted for in the planning and implementation ofservice delivery.3.11 Implement and monitor national initiatives and directives.3.12 Contribute actively to the development of regional and national Nuclear Medicinestandards and policies3.13 Ensure that the Group Manager / Clinical Director / Radiation Protection Adviser /Radioactive Waste Advisor is made aware of any circumstances that would, or may,mitigate against safe standards of practice and advise on corrective action.3.14 Ensure complaints are managed within the Trusts guidelines.3.15 Ensure, in collaboration with Radiopharmacy Production Manager and Quality ControlManager, that operating standards and facilities are maintained in accordance withthe Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) ManufacturersLicense.4 Operational Management4.1 Actively manage all aspects of the Nuclear Medicine imaging, non-imaging andtherapy services and ensure the provision is comprehensive, efficient and effective.This will include deciding on the most appropriate use of resources including thepurchase of radiopharmaceuticals and the type and number of investigations/treatments provided.4.2 Liaise with all grades of clinical and non-clinical Trust staff, manufacturers, suppliersand outside regulatory and non-regulatory agencies. Ensuring that outcomes ofdiscussions are achievable with available resources and meet departmental andTrust policy, national guidelines and statutory requirements, even when conflictingviews arise.4.3 Oversee and take responsibility for quality assurance, including radiopharmacy audit.4.4 Ensure that the delivery of Nuclear Medicine imaging, non-imaging and therapyservices complies with Trust policies, statutory regulations and national standardsand guidelines.4.5 Provide professional and scientific leadership to the services and to appropriatecommittees, working parties and project teams which may be set up and in operationin the Trust.4.6 Work with scientific, technical and clinical colleagues to promote the services of thedepartments and raise a positive internal and external profile.4.7 Ensure that clear and appropriate written policies, protocols and procedures are inplace to achieve best practice and to satisfy Trust and statutory requirements.4.8 Liaise with manufacturers to keep abreast of new developments in equipment,radiopharmaceuticals and techniques.4.9 Liaise with referrers to ensure awareness of diagnostic and therapeutic techniquesand the referral criteria.4.10 Ensure that all staff are appropriately trained in equipment use and procedures toachieve best practice and to satisfy Trust and statutory requirements4.11 Participate in relevant management, consultant and governance meetings asappropriate.5 Operational Duties5.1 Act as a Medical Physics Expert in Nuclear Medicine for both diagnostic, PET-CTand therapeutic aspects of the service as defined within IR(ME)R 2017.5.2 Act as a lead source of knowledge and expertise in this field, to interpretmeasurement results and determine the reasons for anomalous results and the causeof subtle or non-reproducible equipment or technique faults.5.3 Provide such advice to departments involved in nuclear medicine and relatedresearch in other Trusts, non-NHS healthcare organisations and academicinstitutions; to manufacturers (where appropriate) and to regulatory agencies. Thesemay be national or international organisations.5.4 Act as a Duty Physicist when required. i.e. act as the first response source ofspecialist scientific advice in all aspects of Nuclear Medicine.5.5 Ensure that the radionuclide activities dispensed are optimised, i.e. to balance thecompeting demands of minimum patient dose and clinically required image quality.5.6 Review, analyse and interpret measurement results which are outside tolerance.Determine the reasons for anomalous results and the cause of subtle or nonreproducible equipment or technique faults.5.7 In cases where there is doubt, make the final decision on the suspension of aprocedure or removal of equipment from clinical use.

Please see supporting documents for the rest of Job description

Job description

Job responsibilities

The Nuclear Medicine department has three SPECT/CT gamma cameras (two 16 slice and one 4 slice CT), a PET/CT (64 slice CT) and a network of image processing and reporting computers. All imaging and associated equipment are included within a managed equipment service with associated lifecycle. In addition to the four imaging rooms the department has a large Radiopharmacy which includes radiopharmaceutical production facilities for both Tc-99m and Ga-68 products and associated dispensing area. The department also has an in-vitro counting laboratory, two injection rooms, cardiac stressing room, reception and pre and post injection waiting areas.

The Nuclear Medicine service undertakes over 9500 diagnostic investigations (including 3000 PET/CT) and approximately 150 therapeutic administrations per year. PET-CT scans offered in addition to F-18 FDG include Dota-peptide tracers, PSMA and other standard tracers (sodium fluoride etc.). The department is also equipped with a Posijet auto-injecting system for PET administrations. There is a diverse therapy workload including Iodine-131, Radium-223 and Lutetium-177 PRRT. The department will shortly be offering Lutetium-177 PSMA treatments as part of clinical trials.

Vascular Ultrasound undertake approximately 7000 investigations per year.

The Nuclear Medicine team consists of five clinical scientists (including post holder), eleven clinical technologists, three associate clinical technologists, two nurses and four administration staff. In addition, Nuclear Medicine has four consultant radionuclide radiologists (2 ARSAC License holders). There are close links with the Oncology department for radionuclide therapies and the post-holder will be expected to work alongside consultant oncologists to develop the service.

1 Management of Nuclear Medicine & Vascular Ultrasound1.1 Manage the direct delivery of the Nuclear Medicine, PET-CT & Vascular Ultrasoundservices on behalf of the Trust.1.2 Manage the staff in all aspects, including: recruitment, selection, definition of jobroles, appraisal (PDR), career development, training, retention, sickness absence,grievance and discipline.1.3 Manage the non-staff budget of the nuclear medicine department.1.4 Monitor and plan the staff budget of the Nuclear Medicine department and overseethe budget for Vascular Ultrasound service together with the lead Scientist.1.5 To provide leadership, manage policy, long-term strategic planning and servicedevelopment within the nuclear medicine and vascular ultrasound department.1.6 Initiate, plan and implement new procedures and techniques.1.7 Manage the procurement of supplies and equipment required by the NuclearMedicine and Vascular Ultrasound departments.1.8 Initiate and plan the provision of new equipment and imaging kit. Detail thespecifications, select manufacturers, requisition (where appropriate) confirm deliveryand oversee appropriate acceptance testing.1.9 Manage the PET-CT Service Contract on behalf of the Trust.1.10 Actively pursue opportunities for income generation.2 Clinical2.1 Initiate, plan and facilitate new imaging and non-imaging investigations andradionuclide therapy treatments.2.2 Analyse, interpret and report Nuclear Medicine investigations.2.3 Advise medical staff on the appropriate investigation for various clinical indications.2.4 Decide, in consultation with the appropriate ARSAC licence holder (consultantradiologist, nuclear medicine physician etc.), clinical policy on the authorisation ofNuclear Medicine investigations and approve the adoption of new investigations.2.5 Evaluate and justify (or reject) written referrals for Nuclear Medicine investigations.2.6 Advise medical staff on the scientific interpretation of subtle or anomalousappearances in Nuclear Medicine investigations.2.7 Participate in clinical audit.2.8 To lead the investigation of clinical incidents in accordance with UHCW policy andIRR17 / IR(ME)R 2017 legislation.2.9 Develop audit processes within the department to ensure that all legal, professionaland service obligations are met.2.10 Oversee regular department quality meetings and ensure representation andreporting to Imaging Group QIPS meetings2.11 Ensure departmental representation and reporting to the Groups Risk ManagementGroup, Health & Safety and Governance Meetings.2.12 Actively participate in the Radionuclide Therapy Governance Meetings with allrelevant therapy ARSAC license holders.3 Quality3.1 Be responsible for all quality assurance programmes associated with NuclearMedicine services.3.2 Decide on the commissioning and continuing (daily, monthly and yearly) qualitycontrol tests appropriate for equipment and to plan and supervise those tests.3.3 Define the way in which performance data will be recorded.3.4 Plan and supervise the documentation of measurement techniques and equipmentoperation instructions and the related staff training.3.5 Review, analyse and interpret measurement results which are outside tolerance.3.6 Determine the reasons for anomalous results and the cause of subtle or nonreproducible equipment or technique faults.3.7 In cases where there is doubt, to make the final decision on the removal of equipmentor procedures from clinical use.3.8 Undertake risk assessments in accordance with the ionizing radiation regulations,Health and Safety at Work Act and Trust policy.3.9 Ensure all practice is evidence based, shared, and patient focused.3.10 Ensure that user views are accounted for in the planning and implementation ofservice delivery.3.11 Implement and monitor national initiatives and directives.3.12 Contribute actively to the development of regional and national Nuclear Medicinestandards and policies3.13 Ensure that the Group Manager / Clinical Director / Radiation Protection Adviser /Radioactive Waste Advisor is made aware of any circumstances that would, or may,mitigate against safe standards of practice and advise on corrective action.3.14 Ensure complaints are managed within the Trusts guidelines.3.15 Ensure, in collaboration with Radiopharmacy Production Manager and Quality ControlManager, that operating standards and facilities are maintained in accordance withthe Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) ManufacturersLicense.4 Operational Management4.1 Actively manage all aspects of the Nuclear Medicine imaging, non-imaging andtherapy services and ensure the provision is comprehensive, efficient and effective.This will include deciding on the most appropriate use of resources including thepurchase of radiopharmaceuticals and the type and number of investigations/treatments provided.4.2 Liaise with all grades of clinical and non-clinical Trust staff, manufacturers, suppliersand outside regulatory and non-regulatory agencies. Ensuring that outcomes ofdiscussions are achievable with available resources and meet departmental andTrust policy, national guidelines and statutory requirements, even when conflictingviews arise.4.3 Oversee and take responsibility for quality assurance, including radiopharmacy audit.4.4 Ensure that the delivery of Nuclear Medicine imaging, non-imaging and therapyservices complies with Trust policies, statutory regulations and national standardsand guidelines.4.5 Provide professional and scientific leadership to the services and to appropriatecommittees, working parties and project teams which may be set up and in operationin the Trust.4.6 Work with scientific, technical and clinical colleagues to promote the services of thedepartments and raise a positive internal and external profile.4.7 Ensure that clear and appropriate written policies, protocols and procedures are inplace to achieve best practice and to satisfy Trust and statutory requirements.4.8 Liaise with manufacturers to keep abreast of new developments in equipment,radiopharmaceuticals and techniques.4.9 Liaise with referrers to ensure awareness of diagnostic and therapeutic techniquesand the referral criteria.4.10 Ensure that all staff are appropriately trained in equipment use and procedures toachieve best practice and to satisfy Trust and statutory requirements4.11 Participate in relevant management, consultant and governance meetings asappropriate.5 Operational Duties5.1 Act as a Medical Physics Expert in Nuclear Medicine for both diagnostic, PET-CTand therapeutic aspects of the service as defined within IR(ME)R 2017.5.2 Act as a lead source of knowledge and expertise in this field, to interpretmeasurement results and determine the reasons for anomalous results and the causeof subtle or non-reproducible equipment or technique faults.5.3 Provide such advice to departments involved in nuclear medicine and relatedresearch in other Trusts, non-NHS healthcare organisations and academicinstitutions; to manufacturers (where appropriate) and to regulatory agencies. Thesemay be national or international organisations.5.4 Act as a Duty Physicist when required. i.e. act as the first response source ofspecialist scientific advice in all aspects of Nuclear Medicine.5.5 Ensure that the radionuclide activities dispensed are optimised, i.e. to balance thecompeting demands of minimum patient dose and clinically required image quality.5.6 Review, analyse and interpret measurement results which are outside tolerance.Determine the reasons for anomalous results and the cause of subtle or nonreproducible equipment or technique faults.5.7 In cases where there is doubt, make the final decision on the suspension of aprocedure or removal of equipment from clinical use.

Please see supporting documents for the rest of Job description

Person Specification



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  • See supporting documents
Person Specification



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  • See supporting documents

Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.

Certificate of Sponsorship

Applications from job seekers who require current Skilled worker sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. For further information visit the UK Visas and Immigration website (Opens in a new tab).

From 6 April 2017, skilled worker applicants, applying for entry clearance into the UK, have had to present a criminal record certificate from each country they have resided continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. Adult dependants (over 18 years old) are also subject to this requirement. Guidance can be found here Criminal records checks for overseas applicants (Opens in a new tab).

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Additional information

Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.

Certificate of Sponsorship

Applications from job seekers who require current Skilled worker sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. For further information visit the UK Visas and Immigration website (Opens in a new tab).

From 6 April 2017, skilled worker applicants, applying for entry clearance into the UK, have had to present a criminal record certificate from each country they have resided continuously or cumulatively for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. Adult dependants (over 18 years old) are also subject to this requirement. Guidance can be found here Criminal records checks for overseas applicants (Opens in a new tab).

UK Registration

Applicants must have current UK professional registration. For further information please see NHS Careers website (opens in a new window).

Employer details

Employer name

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust


University Hospital Coventry

Clifford Bridge Road



Employer's website

https://www.jobsatuhcw.co.uk (Opens in a new tab)

Employer details

Employer name

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust


University Hospital Coventry

Clifford Bridge Road



Employer's website

https://www.jobsatuhcw.co.uk (Opens in a new tab)

For questions about the job, contact:

PA to the Director of Clinical Physics

Sue Large



Date posted

09 July 2021

Pay scheme

Agenda for change


Band 8d


£75,914 to £87,754 a year



Working pattern

Full-time, Part-time, Flexible working

Reference number


Job locations

University Hospital Coventry

Clifford Bridge Road



Supporting documents

Privacy notice

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust's privacy notice (opens in a new tab)