Consultant Psychiatrist - Addictions Services
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
This job is now closed
Job summary
We are seeking an Addictions Consultant Psychiatrist to work in the Northern Gambling Service (7 PAs) and into substance misuse (2 PAs) at Forward Leeds. In the Northern Gambling Service, the postholder will be the sole medical member of the team, but in Forward leeds will work alongside a fulltime Consultant and Junior doctor.
The NHS Northern Gambling Service covers the north of England, with regional clinics in Leeds, Sunderland and Manchester. It forms part of NHS England's Long Term Plan of 15 clinics nationally by 2023/2024. The post holder would primarily be based in Leeds, at Merrion House, which is located in the city centre. Given the geographical footprint the service also offers virtual consultations.
The service tends to focus on those individuals who have severe gambling problems, as well as those with co-morbid mental illness. The service is new, opening in September 2019. It takes 400-500 referrals per year.
Forward Leeds is a consortium arrangement of four organisations, of which LYPFT form one part. The other organisations are BARCA, St Anne's, and Humankind. Humankind is the 'lead provider' and data controller. They have the contractual relationship with the commissioner and agree a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the LYPFT team. The service is provided across 3 sites at Armley Park Court, Kirkgate and Irford House.
Main duties of the job
The essential role of the Specialist Team is to provide assessment, treatment, and aftercare for people who misuse alcohol and other drugs and who also have complex needs. It provides the following specialist functions: Dual Diagnosis (Co-Occurring Mental Health Alcohol and Drugs or COMHAD), Pregnancy and Parenting, Specialist Psychosocial Interventions, Hospital In-Reach to Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust, a primary care team of non-medical prescribers for alcohol dependence, and a Street Therapeutic Outreach Team.
The primary roles of the post-holder will be to provide assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the primary (gambling) disorder, including the use of medications to help maintain abstinence from gambling. In addition the psychiatrist would provide assessment of other co -morbid mental health disorders, including substance use, including recommendations for treatment either with the GP, or supporting onwards referral to other treatment providers. The post-holder will form an integral part of the MDT and support formulation and decision making regarding appropriate treatment.
The postholder will have a caseload of approx. 20 at any one point, all of whom will have professionals involved from the MDT. There is an expectation that the postholder in time will contribute to the clinical leadership of the Northern Gambling Service.
About us
The postholder will spend the majority of their time in the Gambling service providing the main medical input, working alongside a skilled and expert MDT in Gambling and in Forward Leeds (the service which provides substance misuse assessment and management in Leeds).
The role of the post holder in Forward leeds is to provide a one day a week clinic at Forward Leeds, alongside attendance at the MDT as required. The consultant psychiatrist would usually see those with drug or alcohol use for assessment, diagnosis and treatment, including opiate substitution, management of detoxification, mental health assessments where psychotropic medication may be of benefit, concerns regarding physical health, post detox assessment and annual review of those on opiate substitution therapy otherwise managed by NMP. There is a requirement to ensure effective communication across partners, including within Forward Leeds, with GP's and with our interface with community mental health and crisis teams. There are opportunities to support the clinical lead with service development.
There is no inpatient work in either part of the post.
Date posted
25 March 2022
Pay scheme
Hospital medical and dental staff
£84,559 to £114,003 a year Per Annum Pro Rata
Working pattern
Reference number
Job locations
Merrion House
Employer details
Employer name
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Merrion House
Employer's website (Opens in a new tab)
Supporting documents
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Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust's privacy notice (opens in a new tab)