Clinical Services Manager

Wandsworth GP Federation


This job is now closed

Job summary

The role will support the strategic development, oversight and delivery of clinical services provided by Wandsworth GP Federation through the MCP contract.

They will -

work closely with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance (HCS&G), the Medical Director and clinical leads, as well as colleagues within the organisation. They will be expected to establish and maintain strong working relationships withcolleagues in other partner organisations e.g. ICB, PCNs, community services.

- work closely with the HCS&G and the governance team to ensure robust processes for clinical governance, assurance, controls and risk management are in place across all clinical services directly provided or contracted by the organisation.

- be an active participant in collaborative initiatives with other local health & care providers, promoting patient focused quality care. In particular, the post holder will support Wandsworth GP Federation fulfilling the role of system integrator across primary and community care services in Wandsworth as the lead provider of the Multi-specialty Community Provider contract (MCP). They will work with the HCS&G and other colleagues to lead and support an annual workplan for the ICW programme board.

- support the HCS&G working with the Director of Finance and the Contracts and Performance Manager to lead and support relevant clinical service initiatives, reviews and discussions for contracts held and managed by Wandsworth GP Federation with other providers.

Main duties of the job

1. Service development and Delivery

The Clinical Services Manager will support the strategic development, oversight and delivery of clinical services directly provided byWandsworth GP Federation or through contracts with other providers.

2. Contract Management of Clinical Services

A significant amount of primary and community care services provided in Wandsworth are delivered under contracts held and managed by Wandsworth GP Federation, including a range of primary care enhanced services and the MCP contract.

In this context, the post holder shall work with contract managers/leads within Wandsworth GP Federation.

3. Meetings & Forums

The post holder will attend and contribute to a variety of clinical, governance and quality meetings. This will include preparing/contributing and presenting reports as required.

About us

Wandsworth GP Federation is a GP practice-owned community interest company established to support and develop local general practice and to provide quality healthcare for all the people of Wandsworth. We have a track record of providing patient focused healthcare services, while working to improve the capability of the Wandsworth healthcare system to provide better services for its patients.

Wandsworth GP Federation is the lead provider for the Multi-specialty Community Provider (MCP) in Wandsworth, integrating primary and community health & care services in the borough.

Wandsworth GP Federation has built collaborative working relationships with the 9 local Primary Care Networks, operating as Primary Care Wandsworth, to ensure a strong voice and influence for primary care in the further development of place arrangements as part of the South West London Integrated Care System (ICS). Wandsworth GP Federation is also a founder member of the South West London Primary Care Provider Alliance, a strategic collaboration of the 6 GP Federations within the ICS area.

Date posted

24 July 2024

Pay scheme



£21,235 to £25,570 a year for 22.5 (3 days) per week. Includes HCAS


Fixed term


6 months

Working pattern

Part-time, Flexible working, Home or remote working

Reference number


Job locations

Mayfield Surgery

246 Roehampton Lane


SW15 4AA

Job description

Job responsibilities

The Clinical Services Manager will support the strategic development, oversight and delivery of clinical services provided by Wandsworth GP Federation through the MCP contract.

The post holder shall work closely with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance, the Medical Director and clinical leads, as well as colleagues within the organisation. They will be expected to establish and maintain strong working relationships with

colleagues in other partner organisations e.g. ICB, PCNs, community services.

The post holder shall work closely with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance & the governance team to ensure robust processes for clinical governance, assurance, controls and risk management are in place across all clinical services directly provided or contracted by the organisation.

The post holder shall be an active participant in collaborative initiatives with other local health & care providers, promoting patient focused quality care. In particular, the post holder will support Wandsworth GP Federation fulfilling the role of system integrator across primary and community care services in Wandsworth as the lead provider of the Multi-specialty Community Provider contract (MCP). They will work with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance and other colleagues to lead and support an annual workplan for the ICW programme board.

The Post holder will support the Head of Clinical Services & Governance working with the Director of Finance and the Contracts and Performance Manager to lead and support relevant clinical service initiatives, reviews and discussions for contracts held and managed by Wandsworth GP Federation with other providers.

The post holder will ensure robust Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) within Wandsworth GP Federation.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

This is not an exhaustive list; the Clinical Services Manager may be asked to participate in or lead other activities to support the organisational objectives.

1. Service development and Delivery

The Clinical Services Manager will support the strategic development, oversight and delivery of clinical services directly provided by Wandsworth GP Federation or through contracts with other providers.

The post holder shall:

work with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance and governance team colleagues to ensure that services are provided in accordance with relevant systems and processes, including CQC regulation, and offer high quality and good value for local patients & service commissioners.

Support the development, delivery and contracting for Wandsworth GP Federation clinical services, ensuring robust management systems, clinical governance and controls are in place.

Work with commissioners and other service partners as required for new clinical service development and transformation opportunities

Contribute to Wandsworth GP Federation support of local General Practice.

Support colleagues in the delivery of clinical services, ensuring service specifications are met and performance standards are consistently achieved.

Support IPC initiatives across Wandsworth GP Federation including IPC audits for directly provided services.

Collaborate with colleagues across Wandsworth GP Federation in the review, development and design and delivery of clinical services, ensuring services are fit for purpose, evidence based & address identified health and care needs in the Borough.

In collaboration with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance & Governance team, ensure that all appropriate policies and procedures to support effective clinical governance are in place and performance routinely audited and reviewed.

Build collaborative working relationships with colleagues across provider organisations in Wandsworth, including the Primary Care Networks, to jointly identify and progress opportunities for service development and transformation. Be a responsive colleague in interactions with partner organisations.

Enable an open and transparent approach to reporting progress and performance of clinical services across the organisation. This will include contributing to reports to IGQC and Board on a regular basis.

2. Contract Management of Clinical Services

A significant amount of primary and community care services provided in Wandsworth are delivered under contracts held and managed by Wandsworth GP Federation, including a range of primary care enhanced services and the MCP contract.

In this context, the post holder shall work with contract managers/leads within Wandsworth GP Federation to:

Support the development and delivery of high-quality clinical services in Wandsworth.

Contribute to relevant contracting and performance management meetings, systems and processes with service providers, offering clinical insights and perspectives on service related matters.

Promote positive and constructive working relationships with contracted providers, enabling all parties to work for the common benefit for patients in Wandsworth and greater collaboration between providers as part of the progression towards integrated care at place level in the ICS.

3. Meetings & Forums

The post holder will:

Attend and contribute to a variety of clinical, governance and quality meetings. This will include preparing / contributing and presenting reports as required.

Represent Wandsworth GP Federation at external meetings and forums as required.

Work with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance to lead and plan the activity of the Internal Audit Working Group.

Additional Information

Performance Review

Wandsworth GP Federation operates a system of individual performance review/appraisal for the purpose of agreeing performance objectives and discussing development needs in line with requirements of service need in the operational plan.


The post holder is required not to disclose such information, particularly relating to patients and staff. All employees are subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 and must not only maintain strict confidentiality in respect of patient and staff records, but the accuracy and integrity of the information contained within. The post holder must not at any time use personal data held by Wandsworth GP Federation for any unauthorised purpose or disclosure such as data to a third party.

You must not make any disclosure to any unauthorised person or use any confidential information relating to the business affairs of Wandsworth GP Federation, unless expressly authorised to do so by Battersea Healthcare CIC.

Conflict of Interest

You may not without the consent of Wandsworth GP Federation engage in any outside employment and in accordance with Wandsworth GP Federation Conflict of Interest Policy you must declare to your manager all private interests, which could potentially result in personal gain as a consequence of your employment position in Wandsworth GP Federation Interests that might appear to be in conflict should also be declared.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

It is a requirement that all roles are risk assessed for eligibility for a DBS disclosure before any level of check is undertaken. You are required to report to your line manager any changes to your DBS status after the check has been undertaken.

Data Protection Act

The post holder must at all times respect the confidentiality of information in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (2018) This includes, if required to do so, obtain, process and/or use information held on a computer in a fair and lawful way, to hold data only for the specified registered purposes and to use or disclose data only to authorized persons or organizations as instructed.

Education & Training

Personal continuing professional development is encouraged, and an annual performance review is in place to discuss CPD and on-going objectives.

Completion of all on-going statutory and mandatory NHS training is also a given of this role.

Each statutory and mandatory training cycle will be explained, self-reporting to HR will be promoted, and a final report on all training compliancy will culminate at the final point of your performance review.

Equal Opportunities

The postholder is required at all times to carry out responsibilities with due regard to Wandsworth GP Federation Equal Opportunities Policy and to ensure that staff receive equal treatment throughout their employment with Wandsworth GP Federation.

Health & Safety

As an employee of Wandsworth GP Federation the postholder has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to:

Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

Co-operate with their employer to ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation and the Health and Safety policies and procedures of the treatment centre, not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in the interests of health, safety, or welfare, in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.

Risk Assessment

All members of staff have a responsibility to report all clinical and non-clinical accidents or incidents promptly and when requested to, co-operate with any investigation undertaken.

This list of duties and responsibilities is not exhaustive and the post holder may be required to undertake other relevant and appropriate duties as reasonably required.

Job description

Job responsibilities

The Clinical Services Manager will support the strategic development, oversight and delivery of clinical services provided by Wandsworth GP Federation through the MCP contract.

The post holder shall work closely with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance, the Medical Director and clinical leads, as well as colleagues within the organisation. They will be expected to establish and maintain strong working relationships with

colleagues in other partner organisations e.g. ICB, PCNs, community services.

The post holder shall work closely with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance & the governance team to ensure robust processes for clinical governance, assurance, controls and risk management are in place across all clinical services directly provided or contracted by the organisation.

The post holder shall be an active participant in collaborative initiatives with other local health & care providers, promoting patient focused quality care. In particular, the post holder will support Wandsworth GP Federation fulfilling the role of system integrator across primary and community care services in Wandsworth as the lead provider of the Multi-specialty Community Provider contract (MCP). They will work with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance and other colleagues to lead and support an annual workplan for the ICW programme board.

The Post holder will support the Head of Clinical Services & Governance working with the Director of Finance and the Contracts and Performance Manager to lead and support relevant clinical service initiatives, reviews and discussions for contracts held and managed by Wandsworth GP Federation with other providers.

The post holder will ensure robust Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) within Wandsworth GP Federation.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

This is not an exhaustive list; the Clinical Services Manager may be asked to participate in or lead other activities to support the organisational objectives.

1. Service development and Delivery

The Clinical Services Manager will support the strategic development, oversight and delivery of clinical services directly provided by Wandsworth GP Federation or through contracts with other providers.

The post holder shall:

work with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance and governance team colleagues to ensure that services are provided in accordance with relevant systems and processes, including CQC regulation, and offer high quality and good value for local patients & service commissioners.

Support the development, delivery and contracting for Wandsworth GP Federation clinical services, ensuring robust management systems, clinical governance and controls are in place.

Work with commissioners and other service partners as required for new clinical service development and transformation opportunities

Contribute to Wandsworth GP Federation support of local General Practice.

Support colleagues in the delivery of clinical services, ensuring service specifications are met and performance standards are consistently achieved.

Support IPC initiatives across Wandsworth GP Federation including IPC audits for directly provided services.

Collaborate with colleagues across Wandsworth GP Federation in the review, development and design and delivery of clinical services, ensuring services are fit for purpose, evidence based & address identified health and care needs in the Borough.

In collaboration with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance & Governance team, ensure that all appropriate policies and procedures to support effective clinical governance are in place and performance routinely audited and reviewed.

Build collaborative working relationships with colleagues across provider organisations in Wandsworth, including the Primary Care Networks, to jointly identify and progress opportunities for service development and transformation. Be a responsive colleague in interactions with partner organisations.

Enable an open and transparent approach to reporting progress and performance of clinical services across the organisation. This will include contributing to reports to IGQC and Board on a regular basis.

2. Contract Management of Clinical Services

A significant amount of primary and community care services provided in Wandsworth are delivered under contracts held and managed by Wandsworth GP Federation, including a range of primary care enhanced services and the MCP contract.

In this context, the post holder shall work with contract managers/leads within Wandsworth GP Federation to:

Support the development and delivery of high-quality clinical services in Wandsworth.

Contribute to relevant contracting and performance management meetings, systems and processes with service providers, offering clinical insights and perspectives on service related matters.

Promote positive and constructive working relationships with contracted providers, enabling all parties to work for the common benefit for patients in Wandsworth and greater collaboration between providers as part of the progression towards integrated care at place level in the ICS.

3. Meetings & Forums

The post holder will:

Attend and contribute to a variety of clinical, governance and quality meetings. This will include preparing / contributing and presenting reports as required.

Represent Wandsworth GP Federation at external meetings and forums as required.

Work with the Head of Clinical Services & Governance to lead and plan the activity of the Internal Audit Working Group.

Additional Information

Performance Review

Wandsworth GP Federation operates a system of individual performance review/appraisal for the purpose of agreeing performance objectives and discussing development needs in line with requirements of service need in the operational plan.


The post holder is required not to disclose such information, particularly relating to patients and staff. All employees are subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 and must not only maintain strict confidentiality in respect of patient and staff records, but the accuracy and integrity of the information contained within. The post holder must not at any time use personal data held by Wandsworth GP Federation for any unauthorised purpose or disclosure such as data to a third party.

You must not make any disclosure to any unauthorised person or use any confidential information relating to the business affairs of Wandsworth GP Federation, unless expressly authorised to do so by Battersea Healthcare CIC.

Conflict of Interest

You may not without the consent of Wandsworth GP Federation engage in any outside employment and in accordance with Wandsworth GP Federation Conflict of Interest Policy you must declare to your manager all private interests, which could potentially result in personal gain as a consequence of your employment position in Wandsworth GP Federation Interests that might appear to be in conflict should also be declared.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

It is a requirement that all roles are risk assessed for eligibility for a DBS disclosure before any level of check is undertaken. You are required to report to your line manager any changes to your DBS status after the check has been undertaken.

Data Protection Act

The post holder must at all times respect the confidentiality of information in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (2018) This includes, if required to do so, obtain, process and/or use information held on a computer in a fair and lawful way, to hold data only for the specified registered purposes and to use or disclose data only to authorized persons or organizations as instructed.

Education & Training

Personal continuing professional development is encouraged, and an annual performance review is in place to discuss CPD and on-going objectives.

Completion of all on-going statutory and mandatory NHS training is also a given of this role.

Each statutory and mandatory training cycle will be explained, self-reporting to HR will be promoted, and a final report on all training compliancy will culminate at the final point of your performance review.

Equal Opportunities

The postholder is required at all times to carry out responsibilities with due regard to Wandsworth GP Federation Equal Opportunities Policy and to ensure that staff receive equal treatment throughout their employment with Wandsworth GP Federation.

Health & Safety

As an employee of Wandsworth GP Federation the postholder has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to:

Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

Co-operate with their employer to ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation and the Health and Safety policies and procedures of the treatment centre, not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in the interests of health, safety, or welfare, in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.

Risk Assessment

All members of staff have a responsibility to report all clinical and non-clinical accidents or incidents promptly and when requested to, co-operate with any investigation undertaken.

This list of duties and responsibilities is not exhaustive and the post holder may be required to undertake other relevant and appropriate duties as reasonably required.

Person Specification

Skills & Abilities


  • Excellent communication skills, written and verbal, with the ability to communicate clinical/service complex information in a manner that can be easily understood by others.
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to solve highly complex service delivery challenges.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with senior colleagues in taking forward the strategic priorities of the organisation.
  • The ability to relate to other people and bring out the best in them.
  • Skilled in time management and prioritising complex workload.
  • IT literacy


  • Project Management



  • Educated to degree level or equivalent
  • Professional Registration with either NMC or HCPC.
  • Evidence of recent CPD


  • Nursing qualification
  • Leadership training



  • Experience of delivering clinical services within primary or community care.
  • Experience of change management and service development.
  • Experience of working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
  • Experience of initiating and participating in clinical assurance processes including audit, the identification of risks and mitigating actions, collecting and utilising patient experience data.
  • Collaboration with multiple stakeholders in an operational environment.


  • Leadership experience. Experience of IPC.

Personal Attributes


  • Self-motivated with a proactive approach to problem solving and can do attitude.
  • Adaptability, flexibility and ability to cope with change.
  • Professional calm and efficient manner.
  • Highly organised approach and ability to prioritise own work in order to meet strict deadlines and targets.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with ability to work closely and effectively with staff at all levels within the organisation.
  • Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.
  • A good team player who has the ability to support others when required.

Knowledge & Understanding


  • Up to date knowledge of the changing healthcare landscape local and national. Knowledge of health and care policy and direction in primary and community care services.
  • Understanding of the regulatory and best practice standards and requirements for clinical services.
  • Understanding of the importance of partnership working with other organisations.


  • Understanding of service priorities and transformation opportunities within the local healthcare system.
Person Specification

Skills & Abilities


  • Excellent communication skills, written and verbal, with the ability to communicate clinical/service complex information in a manner that can be easily understood by others.
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to solve highly complex service delivery challenges.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with senior colleagues in taking forward the strategic priorities of the organisation.
  • The ability to relate to other people and bring out the best in them.
  • Skilled in time management and prioritising complex workload.
  • IT literacy


  • Project Management



  • Educated to degree level or equivalent
  • Professional Registration with either NMC or HCPC.
  • Evidence of recent CPD


  • Nursing qualification
  • Leadership training



  • Experience of delivering clinical services within primary or community care.
  • Experience of change management and service development.
  • Experience of working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
  • Experience of initiating and participating in clinical assurance processes including audit, the identification of risks and mitigating actions, collecting and utilising patient experience data.
  • Collaboration with multiple stakeholders in an operational environment.


  • Leadership experience. Experience of IPC.

Personal Attributes


  • Self-motivated with a proactive approach to problem solving and can do attitude.
  • Adaptability, flexibility and ability to cope with change.
  • Professional calm and efficient manner.
  • Highly organised approach and ability to prioritise own work in order to meet strict deadlines and targets.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with ability to work closely and effectively with staff at all levels within the organisation.
  • Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.
  • A good team player who has the ability to support others when required.

Knowledge & Understanding


  • Up to date knowledge of the changing healthcare landscape local and national. Knowledge of health and care policy and direction in primary and community care services.
  • Understanding of the regulatory and best practice standards and requirements for clinical services.
  • Understanding of the importance of partnership working with other organisations.


  • Understanding of service priorities and transformation opportunities within the local healthcare system.

Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.

Employer details

Employer name

Wandsworth GP Federation


Mayfield Surgery

246 Roehampton Lane


SW15 4AA

Employer's website (Opens in a new tab)

Employer details

Employer name

Wandsworth GP Federation


Mayfield Surgery

246 Roehampton Lane


SW15 4AA

Employer's website (Opens in a new tab)

For questions about the job, contact:

Head of Clinical Services and Governance

Joanna McIlmurray


Date posted

24 July 2024

Pay scheme



£21,235 to £25,570 a year for 22.5 (3 days) per week. Includes HCAS


Fixed term


6 months

Working pattern

Part-time, Flexible working, Home or remote working

Reference number


Job locations

Mayfield Surgery

246 Roehampton Lane


SW15 4AA

Supporting documents

Privacy notice

Wandsworth GP Federation's privacy notice (opens in a new tab)