Job responsibilities
Develop and implement the highest quality innovative
clinical practice. Be proactive in clinical decision making, underpinned by
the highest level of theoretical and practical knowledge and be able to
demonstrate improved patient care outcomes.
To undertake comprehensive specialist holistic assessment
of patients and carers where needs are highly complex. This will involve
planning, implementing and evaluating the care delivery according to changing
healthcare needs and varying degrees of clinical risk.
Demonstrate a high level of knowledge in relation to
pattern of disease / disorder, markers of condition progression and range of
treatments available at each stage of disease or condition.
Be able to assess critically and re-evaluate the clinical
situation as the patients condition or needs change, including effective
management of risk.
Anticipate likely potential physical and psychological
problems caused either by the condition or by treatment.
Advise and communicate as appropriate with acute
hospitals, primary and social care and community teams thus ensuring seamless
continuity and transfer (if appropriate) of care for patients between other
relevant health, social and third sector agencies, professionals and other care
To act at all times as an advocate for service users,
carers and relatives.
Take a lead in empowering and facilitating all other
professions to meet the care needs of service users and their carers by the
promotion of principles and philosophy such as Care Closer to Home,
rehabilitation and optimal self-care.
Establish, maintain and effectively manage barriers to
advanced, highly skilled and effective communication with service users,
carers and professionals across health and social care, in order to develop a
therapeutic relationship within which highly sensitive, distressing health
conditions and highly complex issues are often addressed. This includes
imparting information regarding diagnosis, prognosis and treatment and
referring to other teams as appropriate to promote integrated working and to
improve patient outcomes.
Provide appropriate support and advice to carers and
refer for carers assessment if appropriate.
Collect, collate, evaluate and report information,
maintaining accurate confidential patient records to a very high standard
reflective of Advanced Clinical Practice.
Develop, implement and audit protocols, guidelines and
policies for the service. These will be shared with the multi-professional
teams in all care settings.
Maintain a professional portfolio and demonstrate that
practice is up to date and evidence based.
Maintain competency and ensure own compliance with
mandatory training and revalidation requirements.
Identify own personal developmental and educational needs
to work at an advanced level ensuring appropriate action is taken to maintain
and further develop such skills.
Receive clinical supervision in order to clinically
improve knowledge and the quality of care to service users.
Establish and maintain a regional and national network of
contacts relevant to the service.
Undertake clinical supervision and systematic peer
caseload review of colleagues on an individual or group basis.
Act as a role model demonstrating effective clinical
leadership on a daily basis.
Assess and monitor risk in own and others practice,
acting on results, thereby ensuring safe delivery of care.
Participate in maintaining systems for risk assessment
and minimisation including promoting a fair blame culture in order that
near misses and incidents are reported and investigated.
Contribute to investigation of incidents and complaints
when required; participate in identifying lessons learnt and the sharing of
learning across the organisation.
Ensure dignity, privacy, and cultural and religious
beliefs are respected at all times.
Continually monitor standards of care through quality
markers, achievement of PCN targets, and benchmarking.
To be aware of local quality data and use it to identify
practice development required.
Work proactively in managing change in own speciality to
improve practice and health outcomes.
Participate in the recruitment and selection of both
trained and untrained staff which involves developing job descriptions, short
listing candidates and interviewing.
Provide mentorship and shadowing opportunities for other
professional colleagues undertaking post registration courses or specialist
placements, ensuring this learning experience is effectively managed,
supporting the individual through highly complex and emotive clinical
Recognise and utilise the individuals skills and
knowledge, coaching others in their development and acting as a
mentor/preceptor across all professional boundaries.
Plan, deliver and evaluate appropriate specialist
learning programmes. Organise and arrange relevant study days and conferences
to meet identified educational needs of multi-professional audience.
Formally educate, supervise, mentor, coach and advise to
enhance the principle of advancing practice for new staff/team members
within the PCN. Provides training, clinical supervision and systematic peer
caseload review of colleagues.
Create and support an environment in which clinical
practice development is fostered, evaluated and disseminated.
Influence decisions regarding the allocation of financial
resources through consultation, service redesign, participation in meetings
and audit.
& Development
Facilitate learning for patients and their carers in relation
to their identified health needs.
In collaboration with other senior staff, ensure that
clinical practice is patient centred and research based in accordance with
professional practice, guidelines, and national and local benchmarks.
To actively engage in clinical supervision appropriate to
advancing practice as well as other learning and development opportunities
such as Special Interest Groups, Action Learning Groups and Communities of
Regularly undertake audit and service evaluation to inform
service improvement using an evidence-based approach to draw on best
practice. When necessary, support and facilitate colleagues in research and
clinical audit to improve effectiveness and quality of patient care.
Participate in surveys as required.
Critically analyse research findings and their
implications for practice.
Disseminate evidence-based practice and audit findings
through local, regional and/or national presentation to professional groups
and through publication.
& Service Development
To inform the management team of current changes and
trends in national practice that could improve patient care and facilitate
changes to practice.
To ensure that good practice is rapidly shared within the
service area and wider organisation where appropriate.
Contribute to the strategic development of the service by
the evaluation of service delivery, identify areas for improvement and change
and implement the agreed changes to practice.
Develop, influence and lead implementation of policy making,
procedures, protocols and clinical guidelines, internally and externally,
necessary to support the service.
Collects, collates and presents diverse statistical
information in order to facilitate the formation of reports, business plans
and succession planning. Maintains client records.
Ensure that personal performance meets job requirements,
Professional Codes and standards and post competency standards at all times.
Ensure the required level of IT competence required for
the role to process, record, evaluate, analyse and report data.
Challenge poor practice and take appropriate action
making full use of current support systems.
Provide a positive, compassionate role model to junior
staff and colleagues to ensure the delivery of people centred care and the
key components of compassionate care.
Create effective teamwork across professional boundaries
using team building skills, creating common goals, and through engagement.
Respect and apply the requirements of equality and
diversity, promoting and role modelling these across the multi-disciplinary
To work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary hub
team to support the assessment and management of people living both in care
homes and in the community.
Assist with the supervision and development of junior
clinical staff.
To provide line management of EHCH Care Coordinator and
using systems available provide report mechanisms back to PCN management
teams on caseload and strategic planning against national and localised
objectives for the EHCH team.
To be responsible for own caseload of patients working
collaboratively with the Advanced Practitioner colleagues in the community
team to cover the care homes and prioritise workload as needed.
Assist with both reactive and proactive work. To provide
clinical leadership to manage complex/ deteriorating patients at risk of
inappropriate admission to acute trusts. Proactively manage patients according
to needs identified from risk profiling/ frailty scoring. Assist with
creation and updating of Advance Care Planning and Treatment Escalation Plans
in collaboration with colleagues in the multidisciplinary team, including Primary
Support colleagues in the management of emergency
situations e.g., deteriorating patients and be responsible for making
decisions regarding patient care/ escalation.