19 December 2022 System release updates
Improvements to the contract journey
We have made several improvements to the contract journey for employers and applicants, including improvements to the content of secondment agreement templates and the ability to enter a contract start date in the past. These improvements have increased flexibility in the NHS Jobs service and allow employers to now issue back-dated contracts and agreements to applicants who have already started their job.
Improvements to the safeguarding questions
We have improved the safeguarding questions that applicants are asked about cautions and convictions. In line with guidance from Unlock National Association of Ex-Offenders, employers can now choose not to include safeguarding questions on a job listing.
Move applicants between listings
We have added functionality to copy an applicant to a different listing in another organisation’s NHS Jobs account. This allows employers to easily share details of quality applicants who they identify as suitable for a role other than the one they applied for.